LIST (Coordinator)

Serving the national and European economy and society, the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST - is a Research and Technology Organisation (RTO) located in the very heart of Luxembourg's new Research and Innovation Campus at the former industrial site of Esch-Belval. From here, any major European city can be reached in less than 2.5 hours. Given the quality of its infrastructure, its esthetic appeal and its cultural heritage, the Campus brings together strong potential for innovation uniting university, research centres, joint laboratories, start-ups and incubators. LIST will join the project through the TSS unit of ITIS department.
Committed to multidisciplinarity, LIST's IT for Innovative Services (ITIS) department conducts research to develop models, methods, software and devices for smart systems, fusing human and technological aspects. Its ambition is to build trust around services, to develop new services with high level of informatics and to support innovation of IT-based services.
Aware of the challenge that ICT for mobility has presented for Luxembourg and its economy for many years, we have included mobility among our research priorities. The mobility market is currently faced with a number of challenges, such as the environmental impact of Internal Combustion Engines, increasingly stricter regulations, a growing congestion on the main roads of the Grand-Duchy, and the accelerating progress of technology, which obliges operators to keep up with developments. Our aim is to develop innovative solutions for sustainable mobility within the context of multimodal transport (multimodal routing tools, the sharing of multimodal data, autonomous mobility, etc.)
In 2017, ITIS built up a so-called Cognitive Environment Lab (CEL), which is used both for fast prototyping of interaction technologies as well as engineering IoT devices and enabling their integration on the data analytics layer. In the CEL immersive 360° road scenarios can be implemented and the fully equipped room allows tracking human behavior (incl. speech, gestures) while interacting with the simulators developed in PAsCAL. In additional, LIST has developed the home study simulator, by which studies take place in the end users home with each one installing a client application and a low-cost steering wheel. Users can experience the scenarios over a longer period of time in their own home.
Project role(s):
- LIST is the project coordinator, leads scientifically the project, and is responsible for the coordination, communication and risk management of the project. In addition to the broad technical knowledge that a multidisciplinary organisation like LIST possesses, it will also need to be aware of the risks that project tasks may represent and be able to provide mitigation measures in cooperation with the partners involved in this task.
- LIST will engage both in more empirical as well as in engineer activities and the development of new training approaches. The multidisciplinary team of researchers, engineers and a business developer have a background in social science (psychology and pedagogy), computer science (simulations, IoT) and data analytics as well as substantial domain knowledge in the mobility sector. In WP3 LIST will engage in the development and validation of the item pool respectively measurement instrument. LIST also provide the Cross Skill tool for self-assessment purposes in WP3. In WP4 LIST will adopt the home study and setup the Cognitive Environment Lab to run observational studies. LIST is leading the task to understand which cognitive processes and hence competences are required to use a CAV in WP5 and will engage in developing the training programs with ACI and RDS Driving.
- Finally, LIST will participate in the assessment of the business and social impacts revealed by the investigations carried out in PAsCAL (WP7 and WP8). This participation will bring an expertise acquired from past experience (e.g. ZAC-eMovin, Nordstad-eMovin), notably on the evaluation of costs and benefits for the different actors in the value chain. Through its participation in Luxembourg's Working Group on Smart Mobility (WGSM) and in the stakeholders forum of the Franco-German-Luxembourgish cooperation on Automated and Connected Driving, LIST will advice the national authorities of Luxembourg, France and Germany on how to better consider the social acceptance of CAVs in their regulatory activities, at national and international level (e.g. The Vienna Convention and The Geneva Convention).

LIST (Coordinator)
- Luxembourg